More and more people are turning to electric cars. Tesla cars are viewed as a favorite model, and they can be fun to drive. One of the things that go with owning an electric vehicle is charging it. Yes, you can plug it into any outlet, but that can take forever. A dedicated charging station is your best option to keep your car ready to go whenever you want to hit the road. In-House Electric is a Tesla & electric ear certified EVC circuit installation provider near Mercer Island that can take care of that for you.
Is a Charging Station Really Needed?
If you can plug your car into a normal outlet, you may not think so. Not every electric vehicle can be re-charged that way. Also, charging your vehicle that way can overload your home’s circuit. When this happens, you are at risk of burning out the circuit board or, even worse, a fire. The other benefit of a dedicated charger is your car charges much faster.
Which Level Do I Need?
There are three different levels of charging stations that can be installed. If you have a plug-in hybrid, level 1 is the best choice. Level 2 is perfect for Tesla cars, and Level 3 works for any electric vehicle. If you are not sure which level you need, we can help you choose. Getting the right dedicated charging station is important for the safety and maintenance of your vehicle.
Professional, Experienced Technicians
Our electricians are well-versed in installing, repairing, and maintaining charging stations. For more information on Tesla & electric ear certified EVC circuit installation provider near Mercer Island, give In-House Electric a call at (425) 399-8673.