Dedicated electrical circuits are specific to one appliance in your home or business. It’s usually for an appliance that draws so much power that it would otherwise overload other circuits, so a dedicated circuit is safer. And luckily, In-House Electric is a great place to call for dedicated electrical circuit installation near Federal Way.
In-House Electric employs the best in certified technicians and electricians, all capable of helping you dedicate a specific circuit system to an appliance in your home or office. A dedicated circuit can also power several fixtures at once.
Unsure if you need a dedicated circuit for one or several appliances? In-House Electric can help you decide! Some of the most powerful appliances in your home include the dishwasher, refrigerator, and furnace, all of which may require dedicated circuitry to keep from tripping power in the rest of your home. One sure sign that you need a dedicated circuit system is if you add on an appliance and it trips the breakers every time the appliance is used.
The National Electrical Code in the United States actually requires some large appliances to be on separate, dedicated circuits, especially for businesses. Putting all of your appliances on a single circuit is a major fire hazard, so it’s important to think of the safety of yourself, your loved ones, and your home when considering an investment into a separate electrical circuit.
What Amp Does Your Dedicated Electrical Circuit Need?
At In-House Electric, we require a consultation before telling you what kind of amps your dedicated circuit could support. For instance, 20 amps typically support mid-sized appliances, such as entertainment systems, while higher amps are required for larger appliances, like double ovens and front-load washer/dryer combos.
Call Us with Any Questions!
For more information about dedicated electrical circuit installation near Federal Way, call In-House Electric. You can reach us at (425) 399-8673 to schedule an appointment for consultation and inspection of your electrical panels, appliances, and outlets.